On June 20, 2021, WISP revealed some of the new features and changes that are going to be made to the WISP game panel. If you don't know what WISP is, it's our game panel of choice at SalyHosting.com. It's what you use to manage your console, configure your server files and check your server details. Since WISPs official release in August 2020, this will be their first major update. The most notable changes are their UI improvements which showcase an intuitive sidebar design instead of the current overhead navigation bar, and separate graphs for real-time CPU and memory usage. Of course there are performance upgrades such as faster mod installs and reliable outage resolutions. We'll be updating to WISP 2 once it's released to ensure we have the best usability and performance at SalyHosting.com. Read more on the official post made by WISP here

Friday, June 25, 2021

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